Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My First Vegetable Garden

I have wanted, and have been talking about, starting my own vegetable garden for a long time.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I never do anything half way.  So, when I finally decided that it was time to start this new project, I started doing a lot of research.  With research, came many questions:  Should I dig straight into the ground?  With that, I would have to build a fence that goes below the soil 6 inches to prevent rabbits from destroying my garden.

Or should I start a lightly raised garden? I wouldn't have to dig up my yard, but I would still require a fence to keep the animals out.

My other option is to go with a 3 - 4 foot tall garden box.  This way I don't need a fence or to dig up my yard.  However, with this option, the garden box would eventually rot and create more work in the long run.

I am leaning towards the tall garden box; however, I love the idea of turning my own soil and planting everything in the ground.  Which option would you pick?