Healing Pure

      The Grecians, Romans, Egyptians; pretty much every historical culture has known the powerful effects of essential oils.  These oils; when made pure; have the benefits of over the counter medications and none of the side effects.  Unless you are allergic to the plant that the oil is made from, you will not have any issues with them.  There are many different brands; some are for aromatherapy, others are for topical use, and then there are the few that are beneficial from aroma, topical, and internal.  The oil I will be referring to is doTERRA oils. 
     doTERRA oils are 100% Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG).  This means that if the bottle states the oil inside is lemon, 100% of of that oil is lemon, no additives or chemicals to dilute the oil.  These oils are safe to put directly on skin (they can be diluted with a carrier oil if preferred), safe to breathe, and safe to ingest.  Some people put their oil into empty veggie caps and take as a vitamin.  Not me!  I love the flavors, so I either put directly on top of my tongue, or under it.  I also like to put them in my water and hot tea throughout the day. 
     This page is to educate you (and myself) more on the oils in general as well as the individual oils in turn.  I will also talk about the oils I have used personally, and all of the possible uses.  There are so many ways to benefit from the doTERRA oils. 
     If you would like to browse on your own through all of the oils and their individual qualities, you may do so here.  Or you can read through the oil posts as they come; there will be links to each oil in case you are interested in more information.

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